Ingram Micro postao distributer VMRay rešenja za CEE region.
VMRay je cyber security kompanija osnovana 2013. godine sa sedištem u Bohumu, Njemačka. Snažan fokus kompanije je na zaštiti korisnika od rastućih malicioznih pretnji.
VMRay rešenje je zasnovano na jedinstvenoj tehnologiji koja omogućava visok stepen preciznosti u detektovanju svih vrsta malicioznih aktivnosti. Integrisani alati omogućavaju automatizovanu analizi malvera kao i generisanje izuzetno detaljnih izveštaja.
VMRay rešenje se veoma lagano integriše u postojeći ekosistem korisnika putem web i Email gateway-a, built-in konektora, VMRay senzora i kroz REST API.

Ključne činjenice:
- Podržane platforme: Windows i macOS
- Mogućnost instalacije kao Cloud i on-premises rešenje
- Podrška za širok spektar fajlova i URL-ova
- Integracija sa ekosistemom putem 25+ built-in konektora za web, email, SOAR i endpoint rešenje
Ingram Micro kao value added distributer nudi mogućnost proof of concept implementacije kao i demonstraciju rešenja.
Za više informacija obratite se: Goran Nikolić,
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We are happy to announce that Ingram Micro has signed distribution agreement with VMRay for a CEE region.
VMRay is a cyber security firm with strong focus on a single mission: to help enterprises protect themselves against the growing global malware threat. The company's automated malware analysis and detection solutions help enterprises around the globe minimize business risk, protect their valuable data, and safeguard their brand.
VMRay is a high-precision threat detection solution which integrates with the security ecosystem via web and email gateways, built-in connectors, VMRay sensors and our REST API.

Key Benefits
- Groundbreaking technology detects highly evasive malware that other platforms miss.
- Accurate detection, without human intervention, reduces false positives that divert SOC staff from more critical tasks.
- Solution scales to support increased email volumes without hurting performance or TCO.
- Complements anti-spam and anti-phishing solutions.
- Can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises.
Key Facts
- Platforms: Windows, macOS
- Coverage: Full range of file types and URLs
- Deployment: Cloud or on-premises
- Integration: 25+ built-in connectors for web, email, SOAR, endpoint, and other tools
- Compliance: GDPR-compliant and ISO-27001 certified
Support for industry standards: MITRE ATT&CK™: Framework, YARA rules, STIX™ and others
For any additional details please contact :
Goran Nikolić,